Brad Strickland was born in Oklahoma City, Okla. He is the founder of BoMoSo. He is one of the top creative thinkers in the world.​
At the age of 10 he paid the country of Haiti his second visit. This was to spend Christmas with his grandparents.
At age 14 Brad drew his first set of house plans. On his bike, he went to city hall and pulled the building permit with those plans.
Brad paid cash for his first house at the age of 20.​
Brad has had a 40 year career in bricks and sticks. This means architecture. But along the way a few unique accomplishments in designing and producing video games. magazines, art, and toys.
Challenged in school with severe dyslexia, Brad was able to receive his associates degree in just 13 short years. Ultimately learning later from pre employment testing that his level of spatial understanding exceeded genius.
He is an aggressive resource for strategy, motivation, and purpose. He is available to everyone through his involvements with his design firm and entertainment company BoMoSo.com
Brad was blessed with boundless motivation that he shares endlessly. He has dedicated himself to inspiring the best out of everyone. Through his efforts Brad has won architect of the year awards, appeared on television and consulted with celebrities. His clients have included large companies and nonprofits. His entrepreneurial philosophy of “You can’t make a good decision in the dumpster” permeates throughout all of his talks and speeches.​
To have Brad speak at your next event.... Just call him. 832-488-7746

The journey from "unteachable" to documented 3D genius.
Dyslexia won the first years. But when I learned what Albert Eistien ment when he said,
"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
Building BoMoSo - THE SHOW
Modern Barndominium full tour. The Beverly Hills Collection

Modern Barndominium full tour. The Beverly Hills Collection

$1000 violin. Enrich those you touch. And likewise enrich those who see you perform.

BoMoSo Vintage. House flipping, remodel , upcycle, refurbish, or call it whatever you wish?